german  wehrpass from german  wehrpass from german  wehrpass from german  wehrpass from german  wehrpass from

german wehrpass from "Herbert Kuhn"

The Wehrpass is in good condition and belonged to the Gefreiter Herbert Kuhn who served in the (SF) 352. Panzerjäger-Abteilung.
Herbert was born 7 May 1925 in Mainz-Kostheim and he joined the Wehrmacht on 11 July 1942.
In 1943 he became a member of the 1 (SF) Panzerjäger-Abteilung 352.
From 1 February, 1944 this unit was based in Bricqueville, about 10 kilometers from Omaha Beach in Normandy.
On June 6, 1944, at 6:30 am, American soldiers stormed Omaha Beach and the entire 352. Infantry Division was shaken awake.
The 352. Panzerjäger-Abteilung was prepared and deployed under the command of Hauptmann Werner Jahn.
The 352. Panzerjäger-Abteilung was armed with a company of 14 Marder III 38's, a company of 10 Sturmgeschütz III's and a company of 9 motorized 3.7 cm FLAK.
Herbert was a crew member of the SF (Selbstfahrlafette) Marder III 38.
The unit headed towards the beach and attacked the beachhead but were suddenly located by a US Navy reconnaissance aircraft.
Shortly afterwards they came under heavy fire by the Allied Navy ships and suffered heavy losses.
The survivors of the unit slowly withdrew and again they became involved in fierce fighting with the Americans who managed to get of Omaha Beach.
Ultimately, the unit was completely destroyed with only a few survivors.
Herbert was one of these survivors and retreated with the others.

In September Herbert received the Assault badge for his actions during D-Day and in October he received the Iron Cross 2nd class, probably also for the actions in Normandy.
On 21 September 1944 the unit was send to Flensburg to rest and rebuild.
Eventually Herbert would be deployed during the battle of the bulge in december 1944 and he probably was captured by the Americans in the beginning of 1945, because there are ending the entry’s in his Wehrpass.

Code: 52854

1050.00 EUR