luftwaffe soldbuch of luftwaffe soldbuch of luftwaffe soldbuch of luftwaffe soldbuch of luftwaffe soldbuch of luftwaffe soldbuch of luftwaffe soldbuch of luftwaffe soldbuch of luftwaffe soldbuch of

luftwaffe soldbuch of "karl maiwald"

in used condition luftwaffe soldbuch of "karl maiwald" he served in Luftnachrichten regiment 12 ,the unit has been in the following places
5.40 operated under IV. Fliegerkorps and VIII. Fliegerkorps (mainly in Belgium)
6.6.40 at Fourmies
4.41 left Luftgau-Kommando Belgien-Nordfrankreich for Poland
22.6.41 in Radom-Warzaw area, under Luftflotte 2
8.11.41 II./12 moved to Wien (rest/refit), and mid-12.41 to Greece (later returned to Russia)
6.42 in Kharkow-Kursk area
6.44 in Germany
1.12.44 in Wien (Stab), with I. Abt. in Gratwein/Graz, II. Abbot. in Pfaffenhofen/Budweis and III. Abbot. in Wien-Hütteldorf
1.2.45 in Königstesten/Tulln (Stab), with I. Abt. in Gratwein/Graz, II. Abbot. in Schobritz/Aussig and III. Abbot. in Marksuhl/Eisenach (all under 8. Jagddivision) he is unfortunately denazified. complete with portrait-photo,born on 2-7-1914 born in oedenburg/ungarn very nice used full written soldbuch and his personal 78 pictures photoalbum. of his served time with them original certificate of discharge a lot of entries are made, see photos. Interesting Soldbuch

Code: 54561