A set off  a Hauptmann in the  Nachrichten- Abteilung 15 A set off  a Hauptmann in the  Nachrichten- Abteilung 15 A set off  a Hauptmann in the  Nachrichten- Abteilung 15 A set off  a Hauptmann in the  Nachrichten- Abteilung 15 A set off  a Hauptmann in the  Nachrichten- Abteilung 15 A set off  a Hauptmann in the  Nachrichten- Abteilung 15 A set off  a Hauptmann in the  Nachrichten- Abteilung 15 A set off  a Hauptmann in the  Nachrichten- Abteilung 15 A set off  a Hauptmann in the  Nachrichten- Abteilung 15 A set off  a Hauptmann in the  Nachrichten- Abteilung 15

A set off a Hauptmann in the Nachrichten- Abteilung 15

in a very nice used condition a A set off a Hauptmann in the Nachrichten- Abteilung 15 the set consists of the m36 uniform jacket, trousers, visor cap and overseas cap They have removed the eagle from the jacket and the visor cap unfortunately but it is still clear to see where they were located dated April 1940 the set has some moth holes and signs of use but a very nice set

Code: 57189